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      Gym Equipment Buying Guides

      What Is the Difference Between The Force USA G Series All-In-One Trainers?

      What Is the Difference Between The Force USA G Series All-In-One Trainers?

      There are several variations of the Force USA G Series All-In-One Trainers, Each with their own unique features. Across the board the G series machines include a Chin up, Core trainer, Front rack, Cabling system and Smith machine (with the exception of the G1). Force USA has also released an app, which includes a list of exercises that can be done with your machine as well as a tailored workout plan that makes the most of your machine. From the G1 to the G20 Pro we will run you through the key details and differences between each model. 

      One of the key differences in the range is the weight stack or plate loaded design, The G6, G12, G15, And G20 Pro are all weight stack pin loaded machines. Whereas the G1, G3, G9, and G10 are plate loaded. One of the major advantage to pin loaded weight stacks is that they are significantly easier to change to weight and less clutter. Plate Loaded machines require more weight plates to be able to use every aspect of the Machine, taking up more space and Requiring the need to load an unload plates in order to change the weight between exercises. 

      Another Key difference is Cable Ratio, there Are 3 Variations of Cable Ratio within the range, including 1:1, 2:1, and 4:1. A Brief Outline of the cable ratios is as follows:

      • 1:1 ratio Means that the pinned weight is equal to the weight on the pull. So if you pin the weight at 40lb, you will have 40lb on the pull. The biggest disadvantage to a 1:1 Ratio is that the cable length is shorter than on a 2:1 or 4:1. another potential disadvantage is that a 1:1 Ratio Results in a higher jump in weight for every pin equaling another 10lb's. This makes a 1:1 Ratio ideal for exercises that target bigger muscle groups, such as Lat-Pulldowns and Low rows. 
      • 2:1 Ratio means that the pinned weight Is halved on the pull, So If you pin the weight at 40lb, you will have 20lb on the pull. The biggest disadvantage to a 2:1 Ratio is that you have less weight to work with for those exercises that tend to hit higher weights. A Major advantage to the 2:1 Ratio is that you have a slightly longer cable length than on a 1:1 system making it Ideal for bigger rotating movements such as Cable Fly. The 2:1 Ratio also means that the jump in weight is much smaller than the 1:1 Ratio, with each pin equaling another 5lb's. This makes it  much easier to progressive overload and to slowly improve your max weight in a wide range of exercises.
      • 4:1 Ratio Means that the Pinned weight is quartered on the pull, so if you pin the weight at 40lb, you will have 10lb on the pull. The biggest disadvantage to a 4:1 Ratio is that you have less weight to work with when compared to a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. The biggest Advantage to a 4:1 Ratio is a significantly longer cable length allowing for a wide range of exercise options. As well as smaller increments in weight for every pin being equal to another 2.5lb on the pull. This Makes a 4:1 ratio great for big rotating movements and ideal for people who struggle to increase weight over time. 

      A Unique addition to a few options in the range includes a counterbalanced smith machine. This gives you a weightless bar giving you a 0kg starting point, which is great for beginners needing to practice the movement without any weight. It also mean that whatever weight you put onto the bar is the exact weight that you are working with. 

      The Force USA G1 is a plate loaded machine that operates at a 2:1 Ratio, using a single weight station. The G1 also does not include a smith machine meaning it has less functionality when compared to the rest of the range. the G1 is a good option if you are after something to get all of your basic cabling exercises along with a front rack in a nice compact unit.

      The Force USA G3 is a plate loaded machine that operates at a 2:1 Ratio using a Dual weight station. The G3 Includes a Smith machine, and a leg press attachment can be purchased as an after market option. The G3 offers all of the basic functionality of the all-in-one trainer and can be a good option if you have a lot of weight plates or are needing a cheaper alternative. 

      The force USA G6 is a pin loaded weight stack machine, operating at a 2:1 ratio using dual 100kg weight stack's. With the 2:1 ratio it will give a maximum of 50kg on either side. The G6 is the original All-In-One trainer Offering everything you need to satisfy your workout routine.

      The force USA G12 Is a pin loaded weight stack machine, operating at a 1:1 ratio using dual 90kg weight stacks. With the 1:1 ratio it will give a maximum of 90kg on either side, The G12 also offers a counterbalanced smith machine. The G12 is the only pure 1:1 ratio machine in the G series range, making it good for anyone who isn't concerned with needing to work with smaller increments. 

      The Force USA G15 is a pin loaded weight stack machine, Operating a dual pulley system with a 4:1 and 2:1 ratio using dual 130kg weight stacks. With the 4:1 ratio it will give a maximum of 32.5kg on either side, and with the 2:1 it will give a maximum of 65kg on either side. The G15 also has an optional Upgrade Kit which includes storage shelves, leg press plate, core trainer, TV bracket, jammer arms and a couple extra cable attachments. The G15 is a Definite upgrade on the G6 with more weight too work with, while still offering a lot of great functionality and is something anyone could get on and use no matter their level of strength.

      The Force USA G20 Pro is a pin loaded weight stack machine, operating at a 2:1 ratio using dual 130kg weight stacks. With the 2:1 Ratio it will give a maximum of 65kg on either side. The G20 Pro also has the option to include a Lat Row Station Upgrade, which operates at a 1:1 Ratio using 130kg weight stack, giving a massive 130kg on the pull. 

      After Market Options:

      The G15 Upgrade Kit offers a full selection of extras that will help complete your All-In-One Trainer, and is definitely recommended to get the best use out of your machine.

      There is an option to add a set of jammer arms to your machine for the G6, G12, G15 as part of the Upgrade kit and G20 pro as part of the G20 Upgrade kit.

      There is an option to get a dedicated Lat pulldown seat for the G1, G3, G6, G9, G12, G10, G15 and G20 pro.

      How to deal with back pain when approaching your workouts

      How to deal with back pain when approaching your workouts

      Addressing back pain through a home gym requires a careful approach to exercise selection, form, and overall training strategy. Here are some tips to help target back pain using a home gym:

      1. Consult a Professional: Before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have existing back pain, consult with a healthcare professional or a physical therapist. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition.

      2. Core Strengthening: Strengthening your core muscles can provide stability and support to your spine, potentially alleviating back pain. Include exercises like planks, bird-dogs, and core-specific movements in your routine.

      3. Proper Warm-Up: Warm up adequately before each workout. This can include light cardio, dynamic stretching, and mobility exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for the upcoming activity.

      4. Focus on Posture: Maintain proper form during exercises to prevent additional stress on your back. Pay attention to your posture, whether you're lifting weights or performing bodyweight exercises.

      5. Incorporate Low-Impact Cardio: Include low-impact cardiovascular exercises like walking, cycling, or swimming. These activities can improve overall fitness without placing excessive strain on the back.

      6. Use Adjustable Equipment: Invest in adjustable equipment for your home gym, such as an adjustable bench, so you can modify exercises to suit your comfort and needs.

      7. Include Bodyweight Exercises: Bodyweight exercises can be effective for targeting various muscle groups without the need for heavy equipment. Examples include bodyweight squats, lunges, and push-ups.

      8. Focus on Flexibility: Include flexibility exercises and stretching in your routine. Yoga and Pilates, for example, can improve flexibility and promote better posture, potentially reducing back pain.

      9. Gradual Progression: Progress slowly in terms of weight and intensity. Avoid the temptation to lift heavy weights or perform high-intensity exercises too soon, as this can exacerbate back issues.

      10. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to different exercises. If you experience pain (other than normal muscle fatigue), modify or skip the exercise and consult a healthcare professional.

      11. Include Back-Friendly Exercises: Incorporate exercises that specifically target the muscles in your back, such as rows, lat pulldowns, and back extensions. Ensure proper form and start with lighter weights.

      12. Hydration and Nutrition: Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support overall health and recovery. Proper nutrition can contribute to the healing process and overall well-being.

      13. Regular Breaks: If you spend extended periods sitting at a desk or in front of a computer, take regular breaks to stand, stretch, and move around. Sedentary behavior can contribute to back pain.

      Always remember that individual responses to exercises can vary, and it's crucial to tailor your workout routine to your specific needs and limitations. If your back pain persists or worsens, consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance.

      What Do Cable Ratios Mean?

      What Do Cable Ratios Mean?

      Cable Ratios on Gym Equipment:

      Cable ratios on gym equipment describe the relationship between the weight selected on the stack and the actual resistance experienced by the user. These ratios are expressed as numerical values, such as 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1 indicating the effect on the resistance relative to the selected weight. Cable Ratios also have an effect on the length of the cable making certain ratios better suited to certain exercises.

      • 1:1 Cable Ratio: In a 1:1 ratio system, the resistance matches the selected weight. If you set the weight stack to 30 kilograms, the user experiences 30 kilograms of resistance directly. In a 1:1 ratio system the cable length is equal to the height that the weight stack is lifted, making it ideal for isolated movements like Lat pulldowns, but less suitable to bigger rotating movements. 
      • 2:1 Cable Ratio: In a 2:1 ratio system, for every 2 or kilograms selected on the weight stack, the user experiences 1 kilogram of resistance. If you set the weight stack to 40 kilograms, the actual resistance felt is 20 kilograms. In a 2:1 ratio system the cable length is double the height that the weight stack is lifted, giving you extra cable length for bigger movements.
      • 3:1 Cable Ratio: A 3:1 ratio means that for every 3 kilograms selected on the weight stack, the user experiences 1 kilogram of resistance. If you set the weight stack to 30 kilograms, the actual resistance would be 10 kilogramsIn a 3:1 ratio system the cable length is triple the height that the weight stack is lifted, giving you extra cable length. 
      • 4:1 Cable Ratio: In a 4:1 ratio system, for every 4 kilograms selected on the weight stack, the user experiences 1 kilogram of resistance. If you set the weight stack to 40 kilograms, the actual resistance felt by the user would be 10 kilograms. In a 4:1 ratio system the cable length is four times the height that the weight stack is lifted, giving you extra cable length.

      In the case of 3:1 an 4:1 ratios, because the weight stack is moving less and therefore moving slower, the cable can be pulled faster than on a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. Making them better for faster movements as well as larger movements. 

      Understanding cable ratios is crucial for tailoring workouts to individual strength levels and ensuring consistency when transitioning between different gym machines. Always refer to the equipment specifications or user manual to determine the cable ratio and adjust the weight accordingly for an effective and precise workout.

      Why Should You Look At Getting A Treadmill

      Why Should You Look At Getting A Treadmill

      While personal preferences play a significant role in choosing between running on a treadmill and running outdoors, there are situations where running on a treadmill can be more advantageous. Here are some reasons why many individuals prefer running on a treadmill:

      1. Weather Consistency: Treadmills provide a controlled environment, allowing you to run regardless of the weather conditions. This is particularly beneficial in extreme climates where outdoor running may be uncomfortable, unsafe, or simply impractical.

      2. Safety and Security: Treadmills offer a secure and predictable surface. This is especially important for those recovering from injuries or with joint concerns as the consistent, cushioned surface can be gentler on the body compared to uneven outdoor terrain.

      3. Precise Training: Treadmills allow for precise control over your workout variables, such as speed, incline, and duration. This precision is valuable for individuals following specific training programs or working on interval training, where maintaining consistent conditions is crucial.

      4. Convenience: Treadmills provide a convenient option for those with busy schedules. You can exercise indoors at any time without the need to travel to a specific location, making it easier to incorporate running into a daily routine.

      5. Technology Integration: Many modern treadmills come equipped with advanced technology features, such as heart rate monitoring, pre-programmed workouts, and virtual running apps. These features can enhance the overall workout experience and help users track their progress more effectively.

      6. Privacy: Treadmills offer a level of privacy that may be preferred by individuals who are self-conscious or new to running. You can work out in the comfort of your own home without the potential judgment or distractions often encountered outdoors.

      7. Reduced Impact: Treadmills often have a more forgiving surface compared to asphalt or concrete, reducing the impact on joints. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with knee, hip, or ankle issues.

      8. Time Efficiency: Running on a treadmill at home eliminates the time spent commuting to a suitable running location. This time efficiency can make it easier to maintain a consistent workout routine, particularly for those with busy lifestyles.

      While running on a treadmill offers these advantages, it's essential to recognize that outdoor running also comes with its own set of benefits, such as exposure to natural elements, varied terrain, and the mental health benefits of being in nature. The best choice ultimately depends on individual preferences, fitness goals, and the specific circumstances of each person. If you are in the market for a treadmill check out our range in store and online. 

      What Kind Of Exercise Bike Should You Get?

      What Kind Of Exercise Bike Should You Get?

      If you are looking at getting an exercise bike for your home gym, it is important to have a look at the different options that are available to you. Here are the key differences between the many types of bikes including magnetic spin bikes, physical resistance spin bikes, air bikes, upright bikes, and recumbent bikes. 

      1. Magnetic Spin Bikes:

        • Resistance Mechanism: Magnetic spin bikes use magnets to create resistance. Adjusting the resistance level is typically done electronically, offering precise control.
        • Quiet Operation: They are known for their silent operation since there's no physical contact between parts to generate resistance.
        • Smooth Ride: Magnetic resistance provides a smooth and consistent pedal feel, making it ideal for those who want a quiet, uninterrupted workout.
        • Compact Design: They often have a more compact and sleek design compared to air bikes.
        • Great for Intervals: Magnetic spin bikes are suitable for interval training and simulating uphill climbs.
      2. Physical Resistance Spin Bikes:

        • Resistance Mechanism: Physical resistance spin bikes use a direct-contact brake pad or friction resistance mechanism. Resistance is adjusted by turning a knob, which increases or decreases the pressure on the flywheel. The biggest advantage to a physical resistance spin bike is that they have an infinite level of resistance, since you can increase the pressure on the flywheel until the wheel is not able to move. 
        • Realistic Feel: Some users prefer physical resistance bikes because they provide a more realistic road-like feel, especially when the resistance is increased.
        • Noisy: They tend to be noisier than magnetic bikes due to the friction between the brake pad and the flywheel.
        • Maintenance: The brake pads may require periodic replacement due to wear and tear.
        • Popular in Spin Classes: Many commercial spin classes use physical resistance spin bikes due to their durability and robust construction.
      3. Air Bikes (Fan Bikes):

        • Resistance Mechanism: Air bikes have a large fan blade for resistance. The harder you pedal, the more air resistance you generate.
        • Full-Body Workout: Air bikes engage both the upper and lower body, making them excellent for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and calorie burning.
        • No Electricity Needed: They don't require a power source, making them suitable for outdoor or home use without access to electricity.
        • Loud Operation: Air bikes can be quite loud due to the noise generated by the spinning fan blade.
        • Dynamic Resistance: Resistance is dependent on your effort, so the harder you pedal, the more resistance you face.
      4. Upright Bikes:

        • Seated Position: Upright bikes have a traditional seated position, similar to outdoor bicycles.
        • Compact: They typically have a more compact footprint, making them suitable for smaller spaces.
        • Cardiovascular Workout: Upright bikes are excellent for cardiovascular workouts and strengthening leg muscles.
        • Minimal Impact: They offer a low-impact workout, making them suitable for individuals with joint issues.
      5. Recumbent Bikes:

        • Reclined Position: Recumbent bikes have a reclined, chair-like seat with a backrest, providing excellent lumbar support.
        • Comfort: They are known for their comfort, making them ideal for individuals with back or joint problems.
        • Low Impact: Like upright bikes, recumbent bikes offer a low-impact workout that's easy on the joints.
        • Limited Core Engagement: While they work the lower body effectively, they engage the core and upper body less than upright bikes.
        • Stability: They are generally more stable due to their lower center of gravity.

      The choice between these different types of indoor exercise bikes depends on your fitness goals, preferences, and any specific physical considerations you may have. Each type offers a unique workout experience and caters to different fitness needs, so it's essential to choose the one that aligns with your objectives and suits your comfort and fitness level.